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Recording Changes To California Real Property
Can a Property Title Be Transferred Without Escrow?
Absolutely! Dingler Document Assistance can help you:
Add or remove a spouse or joint tenant
Change your name on title (e.g., after marriage)
Convey a property into or out of a trust, LLC, etc.
Gift a property (e.g., parent to child or other family)
Transfer title as part of an inheritance
Record a life estate
Grant an easement (well, roadway, drainage, etc.)
Record a private sale (where no title policy is being issued)
When Is Escrow Necessary?
For a traditional purchase, refinance, or equity line you should use an escrow company because they will issue title insurance as part of their service. An Owner’s Policy of title insurance protects against potential title defects—“clouds” that impact your ownership of the property. Similarly, a Loan Policy of title insurance protects the mortgage lender’s interest.
Dingler Document Assistance pulls a title history before creating conveyance documents, but does not perform title searches nor issue title insurance.
If I Transfer Property Without Escrow, Does My Current Title Policy End?
The continued coverage of your title policy depends on whether the “ultimate owner” of the property has changed. For example, you (as Trustee) are the ultimate owner of your revocable trust, so if you convey property owned by you into your living trust, your title policy continues. Consult your local title representative if you have any questions about your title policy.
Dingler Document Assistance can prepare and record...
Grant Deed: The most commonly used property conveyance document in California. They contain guarantees that title hasn’t already been transferred or contain undisclosed encumbrances (liens, easements, etc.). Examples include adding or removing a spouse or child, changing an owner’s name (after name change), or transferring the title to someone else (as part of a sale or gift).
Quitclaim Deed: Used to release a property interest. Unlike a Grant Deed, Quitclaims make no promises about the title being valid. Quitclaims are often used when someone has a theoretical claim (for example, removing a spouse’s potential community property claim from a house that was owned before marriage). Quitclaims are also used to release (remove) easements.
Correction Deed: Used to correct erroneous Grant Deeds and Quitclaim Deeds that have already been recorded with the County Recorder.
Transfer-on-Death Deed: An inexpensive way for property owners to transfer real estate after they die without creating a living trust or will. It’s important to note that inheriting under a TOD Deed requires the beneficiary to accept liability for all of the deceased owner’s unsecured debts (credit cards, etc.). The beneficiary may also have to give up the home if a creditor files in court.
Affidavit of Death: Used to remove an owner from title after they have passed away.
HCD Title Transfer: Mobile and manufactured homes are issued decal numbers by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), much like cars are issued license plates by the DMV. Manufactured home titles don’t transfer with the land unless they’re affixed to a foundation and the affixation has been recorded. If they aren’t affixed, manufactured home transfers have to be recorded with HCD.
Easement: Records the right to use land for a specific purpose. For example, a roadway easement gives the right to use a private road to travel across someone else’s land.
Lot Line Adjustment: A “lot line” is the legal boundary between two adjacent parcels of land. When one neighbor sells (or sometimes gifts) a piece of their property to an adjoining neighbor, the lot line is moved. A new legal description and map (created by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer) need to be recorded to finalize the change.
Parcel Merger: Similar to lot line adjustments, but instead of being re-divided, two parcels are merged into one. Once again, a new legal description and map need to be recorded.
Deeds of Reconveyance: Removes a lender’s interest after the loan is paid off. Simply put, this deed is recorded to remove the lender’s lien from title.
Additional Services
Mobile Notary: Price depends on location. One complementary service offered within 40 minutes drive of Rohnert Park, CA.
Recording: Mailing your documents for recoding is included at no extra cost. For faster processing, e-recording service is available for most California counties (extra fees apply).
Rush: Expedited document preparation available upon request (extra fees apply).